Tough Times Never Lasts but Tough People will Do

GreatWorks Ramesh
2 min readApr 14, 2021

While the world praises the healthcare workers I wanted to take a moment to praise our silent heroes — The Business owners-Movers of our economy

When businesses are already reeling under pressure,the situation is like when someone strangulating our throat this pandemic is crushing our balls too.

Despite all this tough situation, Our Business Leaders have taken inspiring steps to take care of their employees, a few which I noted, YES chapter president Mr.Rajkumar announced, he had released the salary to his workers well in advance and I have seen many follow suit that.

The business owner of Rocotiles Mr.Ramesh, stretch himself maximum to support hundreds of migrant workers in his factory, he ensured Food and Safety to all his workers.

A worst-hit industry and despite the tough cash flow situation, he is managing the salary for all his employees. All these are great examples and many more which I could not write in this small space.

These are all the early acts that give hope for all the families to face this grim situation. As Business Leaders it’s not only business, It’s time to take care of our dependent families too.

Business Leaders, we have seen great Companies, Brands, and Trends all raise and fall overnight but not our Hopes, Our Dreams, our relentless passion, our commitment to take care of our employees. High potential leaders won’t sit back and relax; this is the time for leaders who can thrive in the face of relentless uncertainties, complexities, and changes.

True leaders know the business situation is not going to be the same, future business will be seen as B.C and A.C (before Covid and after Covid ) Let’s get prepared for that.

Business owners stay inspired. In you, hope thrives. Tough Times Never Lasts but Tough People will do
I once again bow down to your commitment to serving your community.

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Ramesh Panneerselvam




GreatWorks Ramesh

Sales Trainer and Sales & Marketing Consultant helping Small Medium Enterprises and Startups to grow and scale their business.